The MSSA is a not-for-profit, Community Interest Company, established to promote information sharing to help maritime companies protect their people and assets.

We develop online platforms for security officers to collaborate and more effectively counter maritime crime. They enable security officers to:

  • Report and share incidents

  • Set up custom groups and talk with one another

  • View and share data in customisable formats

  • Attend security webinars with key SMEs.

Maritime Cyber & GNSS-PNT Incident Reporting and information sharing

The Problem we aim to solve

There is no single global maritime cyber and GNSS&PNT incident reporting and information sharing platform, no agreed, form and no agreed terms. It means it is impossible to gather, verify or share cyber incident data, throughout the maritime community and its government supporters in real time.

The Delivery

  • Develop HUMINT  We are building a community of 10,000+ Port and Shipping IT Managers

  • Build a Coalition of global MP’s to ensure education on evolving maritime cyber threat

  • Create Education & Supporting Standards

  • Deliver Conferences, CPD, Benchmarking Tool, Structured Content, Workshops

  • Improve messaging to management, main boards, shareholders and investors

Seafarer Wellbeing CIC

The problem we aim to solve

Mental Health is becoming an unavoidable issue in the Maritime industry.

There are now many organisations within the maritime sector wanting to address, the concerns around understanding mental health, but in disparate ways and with scarce resources.

In order to determine the scale of the problems for seafarers and to look at concrete ways that the industry might address these, an industry-wide coordinated approach is needed.

The delivery

We recruited Dr Risto Talas BA (Hons), MBA, PhD and Dr Maria Carrera Arce PhD, MSc, Cpsychol of World Maritime University, Sweden. Between 1 November 2022 and 31 January 2023 they investigated 35 academic surveys of 19,188 seafarers conducted between 2011 and 2022.  The aim was to examine the nature and content of the previous academic surveys with a view to deriving a benchmark survey which draws from the previous surveys in a simplified, but academically peer-reviewed format.

The survey in this proposed stage of the research is one that collects data on the seafarers themselves, but also the experience of seafarers completing the survey itself.

All the data anonymised in a secure seafarer data silo, available for academic review as this analysis of the feedback received will support more effective interventions. We are utilising the proven technology stack underpinning the transformation which accelerated and improved the clinical interventions with a major UK veterans charity.

Carbon Capture

Towards Zero-emissions

We are supporting a UK innovation that compresses and heats exhaust gas to naturally drain off CO2 and deliver 95%+ carbon capture, with a parasitic load of circa 10%.

The Delivery

The technology is undergoing rigorous testing at a University in the USA. Once the technology is proven we will explore maritime new building and the retrofits as the technology is scalable from engines of 2 litres, through to generators and marine engines up to power stations.

Seaweed & Kelp Carbon Capture Car-Y- Mor, St Davids

Seaweed & Kelp have the same carbon capture potential as the Amazon Rain Forest. Our thinking is that Maritime is a significant polluter, and we should form a closer relationship with marine life and especially with regards to carbon produced on the sea to be captured and stored under the sea.

The Delivery

We have supported Owen Haines, at Car-y-Mor, learning about the jeopardy of farming underwater and exploring new community groups who are interested in replicating this community model. Importantly understanding the carbon capture challenges, this is not an exact science.

Immersive Cyber Experience

The problem we solve

To deliver a cost-effective immersive experience that enables companies to test preparedness levels and experience the evolution of a cyber-attack, so that as the scenario unfolds, it puts stress on the company resources, forcing quick decisions that can make all the difference to protecting the port assets, employees and the global maritime supply chain.

The Delivery

Each MSS Alliance CIC and International Association of Risk and Crisis Communication simulation workshop includes:

  • A simulation in three phases of activity: each participant gets to play a selected role (Operations or Communications) as an executive in the port operator that has been attacked in the scenario – within our fully immersive environment participants playing these roles have their situational awareness tested as well as their ability to communicate and collaborate with each other while under pressure. They are expected to address problems within an immersive and interactive environment that is a bit like a video game.

  • Discussion and learning modules after each phase: each phase of the simulation leads directly into a training module covering strategic crisis communications tactics and how they can be applied to enhance crisis preparedness and incident response.

  • Broadcast media training: nominated participants are put forward for live broadcast media interviews and given the chance to practice acting as a spokesperson for the company.

There is some preparation required to set up the workshop (making it as directly relevant as possible to a particular port), but then almost all of it can then be delivered remotely.

The Simulation Platform

The simulation platform provides:

  • A fully functional social media environment: Able to monitor, post, share and reply to post on key social platforms

  • A fully functional communications environment: Able to write, share and reply to emails and instant messages

  • A simulated basic monitoring capability: Broadcast media reports, share price, social sentiment and geographical spread

  • A simulated web environment: Able to monitor news sites, view reference sites and publish to your own web site.

Workshop Delivery

Delivery options:

  • Remote: All joining remotely with virtual studio used for media training module

  • Hybrid: Client and Finnish team on site, with MSSA / IARCC and extra client participants joining remotely with virtual studio used for media training module

  • On site: Client, and representatives from MSSA / IARCC all on site with extra participants joining remotely. Pop up studio used for media training module

Contact Us


The Mill, Quainton Road, Waddesdon, HP18 0LP, United Kingdom


+44 (0)7920 112752


[email protected]